
S NoPerticularsExisting
Land & Building
1Land Area (In Acres)1.75 Hectare
2Built Up Area0.75 Hectare
3Play ground/ Sports/ Games/ AreaYes
Teaching/ Learning
1Number of Class Rooms06
2Number of Tutorial Rooms02
3Number of Laboratories02
4Number of Seminar Rooms01
5Number of Conference Rooms01
6Number of Committee Rooms01
1Number of seats in Boys HostelNIL
2Number of seats in Girls HostelNIL
1Seating Capacity of Library Reading Room50
2Number of Books in Library4000
3Number of Journals SubscribedNIL
4Number of Multimedia LiteratureNIL
ICT Infrastructure
1Number of PCs in Computer Centre01
2Number of PIV or higher PCsPIV
3Number of LAN TerminalsNIL
4Wi Fi ConnectivityNIL
5Type & speed of Internet ConnectivityNIL
Teaching Tools/ Aids
1Number of Television01
2Number of OHPsNIL
3Number of LCDsNIL
4Number of VCP/ VCR01
3Indoor GamesYES
4Sports FacilitiesYes
5Number of Houses for teachersNIL
6Number of Rooms in Guest House01
7Number of Common Rooms for Students01
8Health Centre/ Medical CentreNIL
9Number of Cubicles/Rooms for Teachers01
10Common Room for teachers01
11Canteen for StudentsNIL
12Transport facilities for StudentsNIL